“Tuned in” with Hayden Rees is a Youth Program broadcasting Saturday mornings from 9.00 am to 11.00 am.
From this program half hour PODCASTS are being prepared for YOUTH.
WANTED: YOUTH GROUPS and INDIVIDUALS to contribute discussion material, participate in interviews, mini Bible dramas, or contribute original songs or poems. We can come to your group to record material to be used on these programs.
Also youth volunteers to help behind the scenes editing sound files and preparing the podcast.
Please contact us by email on youthgoodnews103.9@gmail.com
For information to access PODCASTS use this link to our Soundcloud profile, Tuned In at Good News Radio. https://soundcloud.com/
This program was made possible with support from the Community Broadcasting Foundation. To support the production of content like this, donate at cbf.com.au