STAY TUNED DURING THESE TOUGH DAYS Reviewed by gnrmanager on . During these unprecedented days in our history. We at Good News Radio - A VOICE OF HOPE are continuing to keep you informed about the Virus which is having such During these unprecedented days in our history. We at Good News Radio - A VOICE OF HOPE are continuing to keep you informed about the Virus which is having such Rating: 0
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During these unprecedented days in our history. We at Good News Radio – A VOICE OF HOPE are continuing to keep you informed about the Virus which is having such a huge impact across the globe, not only in illness and death but in order to stop the spread, the tough restrictions needed to save lives is causing enormous economic and social pressures.

Know that we are praying for you, that we are staying on air and hoping that our programs, the songs we play and the ministry programs are keeping you company, helping you stay encouraged and uplifted, giving you a much needed boost for each day as you stay at home.

More importantly we pray that you will know that you are not alone, that the God of Love and Peace knows what we are all going through and that the our hope is found in the Lord. We pray that you will spend time with God, that you will seek Him for strength and comfort and that you will be able to share your faith with love and compassion to others, supporting and contacting one another during this time.

Remember to uphold in prayer those who are on the front line in our health system, for all our leaders, for all our essential workers and for those working on a vaccine.

The Bible is God’s Word and is full of truth for every situation we face in life. As the world endures quarantines, closures, and even panic during the coronavirus pandemic, God offers peace. His Word can displace anxiety and fear with hope and healing.

Jesus is described as the “Prince of Peace” for those who choose to let him reign over their lives. He offers peace for our troubled minds and freedom from fear. Here are just a few of the great verses in the Bible about God’s power to deliver us from fear – we begin with the words of Jesus from the Gospel of John:

John 14:27
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

Isaiah 41:10
“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths” (Proverbs 3: 5-6). … Only God is perfectly trustworthy and faithful.


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